Japanese Astrological Year
Although Japan unofficially uses the Gregorian calendar (e.g. 2014), they also use their own official calendar system which is based on regnal eras (the reigns of their Emperors). These are expressed as "Era + year". So for example 2014 was "Heisei 26", the 26th year in the era of Heisei, the reign of Emperor Akihito. In 2019, Akihito abicated and the Reiwa era began.
Use this converter to enter a year using the calendar and find what the Japanese astrological year is in Kanji, Kana and Romaji.
There is also the option to get a Japanese year converted into Western year.
Although Japan unofficially uses the Gregorian calendar (e.g. 2014), they also use their own official calendar system which is based on regnal eras (the reigns of their Emperors). These are expressed as "Era + year". So for example 2014 was "Heisei 26", the 26th year in the era of Heisei, the reign of Emperor Akihito. In 2019, Akihito abicated and the Reiwa era began.
Use this converter to enter a year using the calendar and find what the Japanese astrological year is in Kanji, Kana and Romaji.
There is also the option to get a Japanese year converted into Western year.
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Japanese Worksheet Generators
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