Chinese To Katakana

How to turn Chinese into Katakana?

With this converter you can convert Chinese characters or pinyin to Katakana. Katakana is the more angular form of kana (syllabic writing) used in Japanese. Katakana is primarily used for scientific words or words of foreign origin. 

In the left box put the Chinese characters (simplified or traditional Chinese) and then choose how you want the app to convert it.

The first option is just to display the Katakana.

The second option displays the Katakana with the Chinese tone.

The third option displays the Chinese character with the Katakana in brackets.

The fourth option displays the Chinese character with the Katakana in brackets with the Chinese tone number.

The fifth option down displays the Chinese character with the Katakana below.

The last option displays the Chinese characters with the Katakana below with the tone mark.

This tone can also be used to convert hanyu pinyin to Katakana. You can choose whether it converts the Chinese/pinyin to Zenkaku, Hankaku or Hiragana.

An example with the characters 汉字 in Zenkaku it'd be ハン ズー while in Hankaku it'd be ハン ズー and in Hiragana it'd be はん ずー .

With this converter you can convert Chinese characters or pinyin to Katakana. Katakana is the more angular form of kana (syllabic writing) used in Japanese. Katakana is primarily used for scientific words or words of foreign origin. 

In the left box put the Chinese characters (simplified or traditional Chinese) and then choose how you want the app to convert it.

The first option is just to display the Katakana.

The second option displays the Katakana with the Chinese tone.

The third option displays the Chinese character with the Katakana in brackets.

The fourth option displays the Chinese character with the Katakana in brackets with the Chinese tone number.

The fifth option down displays the Chinese character with the Katakana below.

The last option displays the Chinese characters with the Katakana below with the tone mark.

This tone can also be used to convert hanyu pinyin to Katakana. You can choose whether it converts the Chinese/pinyin to Zenkaku, Hankaku or Hiragana.

An example with the characters 汉字 in Zenkaku it'd be ハン ズー while in Hankaku it'd be ハン ズー and in Hiragana it'd be はん ずー .

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